The following Symptoms give Insight into the different signs of jinn/demons possession, magic, envy and the evil eye. (It’s not necessary to find every sign listed below in every patient).

  1. 1
    Evil Eye & Envy Symptoms

    • Continuous yawning
    • Continuous burping
    • Unexplained dark spots on the body
    • Hot and could flushes for no reason
    • Tiredness, Laziness and tight chested
    • Insomnia
    • Gaining weight
    • Illnesses e.g. Cancer
    • Psychological conditions e.g. delusion, depression and fear
    • Absent-mindedness and drowsiness and Headaches
    • Various untreated medical conditions
    • The desire to run out of the house
    • The desire to commit suicide
    • To see animal or dead people in sleep
    • Noticing unexplained changes within yourself
    • Unexplainable change in mode or temper
    • Hair Loss and Darkening under the eyes
    • Becoming pale
    • Pains at the mouth or abdomen
    • Joint problems
    • Anxiety and Anti-social behavior
    • Problems and disagreement with others.
    • Laziness and Heavy shoulders

  2. 2
    Black Magic Symptoms
    • Desire of running away from the house
    • Problems with spouse
    • Sexual dysfunction and low libido
    • Unable to marry without any obvious reason.
    • Inability to reconcile a marriage
    • Being extremely instable
    • Losing a temper and changing a mood for no reason.
    • Crying for no reason
    • Abandon the religion.
    • Desire towards committing sins
    • Dark spots under the Eyes  
    • Vomiting or feeling the need for it. 
    • Continuous bleeding for women
    • Repeated miscarriages
    • Divorce for no reason
    • Constant headaches and feeling pain in the stomach
    • Hate of one’s spouse.
    • Sudden change in behavior without obvious reason.
    • Loss of appetite for food.
  3. 3
    Jinn Possession Symptoms
    • Passive or negative attitude towards the religion
    • Physical & Mental Health problems with no medical cause
    • Unexplained behavior
    • Occult and bizarre activities
    • Seeing repeated dreams of animal or ugly strangers.
    • No success in getting married
    • Talking to oneself and not understanding why you are talking.
    • Repeated dreams of a sexual nature  
    • Being chased by shadow like figures in your dreams.
    • Recurrent nightmares during sleep.
  4. 4
    Haunted House symptoms
    • Scared Animals e.g. Pets Making Contact and Pets in the property: e.g. dogs barking or growling at something you cannot see.
    • Seeing unexplained Mysterious shadows from the corner of your eye.
    • Demonic Nightmares
    • Damage to Religious Symbols
    • Bad Luck almost everywhere
    • Physical and Psychological Disturbances
    • Demonic Possession
    • Lights turning on and off, or up and down, on their own.
    • Light bulbs blowing frequently.
    • Cats staring in a particular area as if they can see someone.
    • Hearing voices of people, whispers, or someone calling your name.
    • Seeing twinkling lights, mists or unexplained moving shapes.
    • Unexplained Temperature Changes
    • Strange Technological Glitches
    • Unusual Scents
    • Object Movement or Unidentifiable Sounds e.g. Strange Noises e.g. sounds of items being dropped – but when you go to investigate, there is nothing there.

Powerful Ruqyah against the demons and jinns damages